Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Twitter... where for art thou, Twitter

It's amazing just how much I'm relying on that little bugger and miss it when it's down. This week has been a hard one for me for many reasons and I REALLY don't need the Twitter Aggravation on top of it. Of course, I've taken to clenching my jaw when I see any of those cute cats... and when it IS up but my tweets disappear into thin air, I'm ready to scream, but it's more than just that...

I'm missing the people behind those tweets. I'm missing having a finger on the pulse of what's happening at any given moment in time. I'm missing letting my friends know what's up with me and where I'm at. I'm missing clicking on the links of the latest news and things that my online colleagues are doing or have posted. I also miss being able to send and receive direct messages rather than fire up the email just to say a few words. Most of all, I miss the support of friends if I just need a hug or to vent.



Blogger Ed said...

Why do I envision the "cat chewing on the electrical cord scene from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation every time I see that silly cat? :)

5/18/2007 9:38 AM  

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