Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Update

No...not the infamous Saturday Night Live version, just my game plan. I've got another busy one with tons to do and will try to make a conscious effort to "unplug" as much as possible this weekend to keep the balance in my life (and keep people smiling around here.)

I already started this morning with a chilly walk which was the best way to start my day. I've been walking back and forth to work most days this past week and wracked up close to 20 miles for the week. I'm not "feeling" the yearn to run yet but I'm sure that it will be coming. This morning it was cold out so I bundled up with a hoodie and long pants which was more conducive to walking but once I can get into my shorts I'll likely hit the pavement running. Laundry is already on the line (yes... since my cleanup last weekend, the yard is ready for me to begin hanging out for the season.)
Hanging Out!

This afternoon, we're heading over to PPAC for Man of LaMancha, one of our favorites since it's the play that we did in high school when Al and I actually got together many years ago. We've been going to PPAC for years but this is the first time it's come to Providence so we've been looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I'm missing my students' Special Olympics bowling tournament today but that's what happens sometimes. (We have two Track and Field event days coming up that I'll be able to make though.) Then, tonight we're going out to eat after the show with Al's sister and her boyfriend.

Tomorrow will be catch-up day and whatever else it brings. I've got some decisions to make and feel a bit overwhelmed right now. Lots of things are swimming around in my head which require some prioritizing. Need a brain dump and just may fire up the iriver on my next walk and muse away. More later...

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