Unplugged to the Max!
Just back from a TOTALLY unplugged weekend... and that's not an exaggeration! Al and I spent the weekend at The Original Northeastern Primitive Rendezvoux and stepped back in time with friends Jerry, Simone, Kevin and Al's sister Theresa. It was tons of work but lots of fun to live that way for a weekend.
Loving history, I was into it and was pleasantly surprised to find that Al was too. Of course, good friends, good food and lots of laughs always makes it fun. I don't think I could step out of the 21st century for an entire week like they do every year, but a long weekend away from all things modern (yes, even including the internet!) was a refreshing change and forced me to slow down and decompress.
The weather was hot, the company was great, and my favorite part of the weekend, besides seeing the young families and the comradery there, was just hearing everyone long after dark sitting by their fires LAUGHING, playing music, and singing. The smell of firewood filled the air and candles could be seen flickering throughout camp.
Labels: history, pre-1840, primitive, Rendezvous
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