Thursday, January 25, 2007


Sometimes looking at your To Do list, it's time to just say "Screw it!" Today is one of those days... nothing sounds better to me than the hottest shower I can bear then crawling into bed with a book, and it's only 8:45pm. This from the girl who rarely gets in bed and shuts the light before 12:30 on most work nights.

Call it lack of motivation, call it the effects of an extremely emotional week beginning with the anticipation of the game and the butterflies leading up to it, to Jake's concussion and the worry and concern, then relief at the outcome, to the highs of the game to the very lows which followed... Call it what you will.

Loss... I'm numb

So on this cold, cold night, I'm going to be daring: leaving the list untouched and heading in with a cup of tea and a book surrounded by nothing but down for a great big emotional hug....


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