Saturday, January 21, 2006

Springtime Saturday??

I have to check the calendar! The weather today was absolutely gorgeous and it felt like May out there rather than January. I didn't get to spend any time outside though because Jake had a wrestling tournament at his school and we were there working all day. Getting up at 5:00AM on a Saturday after staying up until 2:00AM watching movies probably wasn't the smartest move on my part!

Tonight, I've got laundry to do and look forward to just hanging on the couch! Slow news on the Pats front so updating the website will be a snap. Time to start looking into all of the changes that I want to make.

Looks like I'll have to wait to take a class this semester since my original 2 were cancelled due to low enrollment and I tried to take them online but those sections are all full... go figure. I really don't want to waste a spring semester as it's traditionally the time of the year that I have the most time to dedicate to a class.

Tomorrow I've got lots of things to do for school.. I came home with a huge bookbag full of stuff. So, it will be football/schoolwork Sunday. I still can't believe that we're all done... :-(

Well.... time to grab a bite and start the endless chore of doing laundry.


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