Saturday, March 04, 2006

Computer woes and lesson learned

Computer woes again... one of the sounds in life that makes me cringe is the clicking of a hard drive. It's something that I've heard wayyyy too often in my computing years. Today, I've spent numerous hours online with Dell only to determine that my drive is dead and will be getting a new one. The fact that it's under warrantee is one thing in terms of the hardware but the aggravation of it all is another thing entirely! Having to reinstall all of my programs is a pain and especially tedious is downloading the entire website back to my harddrive from the web. I back up "files" but programs are a different story. Well... I guess I should be thankful that I haven't completely lost everything but I don't have TIME to deal with this.

Al and I were so excited to head out to see Phantom of the Opera at PPAC... We both love that play and have seen it live a few times in the past. We also have seen the movie at least 20 times... and here lies the problem. The movie version was almost too good!!. The characters were very likable as well as talented and in my mind "own" those roles. I couldn't warm up to the characters today...for various reasons. Usually at a live performance... especially such a great play as Phantom, I'll get the chills and/or choked up but not today. I have been known to have tears streaming down my face if it moves me. This left me feeling nothing...

Now, I'm almost nervous to see Rent on DVD since it's also one of my favorite plays... although, the movie version has most of the same cast as the Broadway play so the talent factor won't be a problem.

Well... going to watch the movie version of Phantom tonight...


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