Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Best Laid Plans....

are made to be broken... sigh... So, yesterday I had a huge list of things that I planned on doing and got up early to start tackling them. However, I started with an incredible toothache in the morning and that was the end of that! For me to resort to Extra Strength Excedrin you know it had to be bad. I literally couldn't stay at the computer as I needed to lay down and put acu-pressure on the gums to try to relieve the pain. I sent Kelsea out for some Oragel which helped a little but the entire day was pretty much a wash.

I just got back from the dentist and he looked around and couldn't see anything brewing there so the pain must be coming from some exposed roots where my gums receded a bit... He put some bonding material there and hopefully it will do the trick because first of all, the pain sucks and also I can't afford to give up any more days this week. I still have that huge project to get done and it's already Wednesday. I'm on Mommycab duty tomorrow for wrestling practice so I'll be in and out then. Friday night, we have a party and Saturday we take off for Nashville for the Pats/Titans game.

Well... time to throw in a load of laundry, straighten up a bit, check the rest of my email then get busy on that Assessment....

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