Puppy Tales, Pounces & Pownces
Ok.... just when I mentioned that Bella's pen was doing the trick in terms of helping her with potty training, she decided to start having accidents inside of the pen. She prefers to have free reign of the house (naturally) but will have problems peeing when she's out (even if I've just taken her outside.) She never has a problem in her crate or on furniture or laps so I don't think it's a matter of not being able to hold it. She especially will pee on any mat or rug surface. This may have to do with her early stint in paper training or it could just be that it's the "other" surface like grass is outside as opposed to the driveway. Even outside playing, she'll run around a bit and go quite a few times up and down the grass. Luckily, she'll cry or whine (no real barking yet) if she's got to go #2 and has been doing great with that.
This morning, my furry alarm went off like clockwork at 5:45 AM, as has been the norm. We usually head out for relief then she eats and then is ready for the day. I usually am too but was very tired today and by 6:15 was feeling like I still needed more sleep. She had been sitting on my lap while I drank coffee checked email and rubbed her belly. I headed to the couch and thankfully she slept in my arms for about an hour and I got a bit more rest.
As for the Pouncing: Last night when I took her out for her final bathroom run, one of the "killer cats" was lurking in the shrubs just waiting... by the time I noticed, it was crouched low and slinking towards my little one. I shrieked, scooped her up and high tailed it into the house with my heart pounding. I'm not sure exactly what would have happened but don't really care to know, especially since I've seen them in action with birds and mice left in my yard.
And speaking of Powncing: Pownce, YASN (Yet Another Social Network) has cropped up and is wooing some of the Twitter folks... I've got an account and the jury is still out but I'm still partial to Twitter. Right now, people are somewhat split and many are posting on both. For now, Twitter is my gal, as long as all of my social circle doesn't move... After all the point of a Social Network is to be social. It's no fun talking to oneself.
Technorati: Puppy Tales, puppy, Bella, housetraining, Pownce, Twitter
Labels: Bella, housetraining, Pownce, puppy, Puppy Tales, twitter
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