Tuesday Tidbits
When I head back to work, I'll be super busy getting my Alternate Assessment portfolios finished for my kids in anticipation of the May 7th pick-up.
Special Olympics will be coming up soon; regional games at Bryant University in May and URI in June. This spring is going to fly then I'll be home all summer!!
Yesterday, I pulled all the weeds and cleared the brush in my flower garden to allow those early bloomers to break free... Daily bouquets on my kitchen island are not far behind.
I'm thinking of starting another podcast, something more generic and not so "niche-like" but I'm not sure exactly what it'll be called yet.. Perhaps the 25th Hour but I need to research to make sure that it's not taken yet.
Honey wants to head out to Foxwoods for a bit today.. I'm not sure if I want to but my house is clean, yard is weeded, laundry is caught up and I've been sitting at the computer doing classwork for 3 days straight so perhaps I'll give in and head up there for the buffet and for a little bit. We're not big gamblers but last time when we headed up for the NE Podcasters meetup I hit for $400 and walked out the door! After subtracting the cost of valet parking, 2 buffets, and what we both spent to gamble, I came out $260 bucks ahead which I used to replace my digital camera which had broken. Not bad!
My turn for the shower... more later!
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