So, things are moving right along. I was able to successfully transfer everything to
BlueHost and have cancelled my account with my old host. Setting up the add on domain worked out perfectly as well. Yesterday, i finally made a decision on the wordpress theme for the
Patriots Podcast blog and am waiting for a banner from a friend before going live with it... Today, I hope to make a final decision and install the theme for the Training Camp report blog.
On the puppy front, Bella is doing very well. I'm still having to keep my eyes peeled EVERY waking moment but I successfully trained her to Come when called and to Sit. These are major milestones and will make both of our lives so much better! I'm using
Science Diet Training Treats and she's so small that I literally break off a tiny piece at a time and one or two discs can last me all day.
She's been spending most of her time with the "
pen" gate disabled and has been fine. The reason for this was a
possibly tragic accident that turned out to have good results. From day one, I've been shooing her away from the couch because she likes to go underneath it. There are wires under there and more importantly, it opens to the stairway landing. I've spent most of the last two weeks policing her away from there.
The other night, she was very fired up and was running around at full speed, charged under the couch and to my horror, went through and fell off the other side. It was like slow motion... I was shrieking her name as she flipped through the air and landed with a thud. I was frantic and burst into tears, ran down to pick her up and held her close while she shook and whimpered. I was a wreck and was so worried that she had hurt herself. I checked her out thoroughly and held her all night while I read in case she showed any signs of distress. Thankfully, everything was fine.
The end result of the accident has been a "lesson learned". She has not even gone NEAR the couch and has pretty much stayed out of that part of the room since. She now stays around and under the kitchen table and right by my side. She'll also run up and down the hall but comes when called and sits right here waiting for a treat. Life is good :-)Technorati
Bella puppy chihuahua training BlueHost Puppy+Tales
Labels: Bella, BlueHost, Chihuahua, puppy, Puppy Tales
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