Thursday, June 28, 2007

Muse With Me...

Well, I've finally done it! I've been wanting a place for non-Patriots related stuff and have been Musing about Muse for over a year. There really just hasn't been time to get it up and running so it's been on the back burner for a long time. This spring, I conducted an interview with JC Hutchins, author of the podcast novel trilogy 7th Son as part of his 50/50/50 campaign (5o interviews in 50 states in 50 days) and knew it needed to be posted in June. It was just the push I needed... So, be sure to check out Muse With Me and be sure to subscribe if you're so inclined.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I just found this in with some of my old school stuff and had forgotten all about it. When I was taking my Language Arts teaching methods we had to be writers ourselves and write every day. While my financial situation has changed over the years, my undying love for my babies hasn't.....


Diamonds and furs
I've not got.
Nor boats,
Nor cars,
Nor condos.
No Caribbean cruises,
No dining out,
No designer labels.
My vast fortune
Cannot be measured
In carats, stocks or acreage.
Dollars and cents
Cannot compare
Sticky kisses, just because.
Spontaneous "I love you's."
Hearing "Mom, I'll read to you."
Hugs around the knees.
Dance recitals,
Soccer games,
Swimming under water.
Bedtime snuggles,
No training wheels,
Making boo-boos better.
Fishing trips,
Library books,
Six hands in the kitchen.
All of these things
And many more,
Make up
My priceless treasure.

(Thank you Kelsea and Jacob for making me feel like the richest person on earth. Mommy loves you both beyond measure!)


Monday, June 25, 2007

Summer Lovin...

First Monday of Summer Vacation and.... mmmmmmmmm... I'm in love.....
  • Loving getting up at the crack of dawn and being able to run, get a load of laundry on the line, clean my house, and check emails and Google Reader all before 8:00AM.
  • Loving making a To Do list, and actually checking most things off.
  • Loving the heat and humidity.
  • Loving working in the yard and reading whatever I want, when I want.
  • Loving my summer uniform of bike shorts, sports bra, tee-shirt and flip-flops.
  • Loving seeing my family more than just in passing.
  • Loving being free of the Net-Nanny and having access to whatever I want online.
  • Loving feeling like the whole summer is in front of me.
  • And loving..... my new baby girl.... sigh...

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Life

First day of my Summer Life!!! It's been a long time coming...although on one hand it seems to have flown by. It was a very good year despite the dreaded Alternate Assessment and lots of major decisions to make regarding kids.

I'm totally geared up to start my SL in my most favorite way: A cup of coffee, a load in the washer, and an early morning run. Consuming coffee now, load of wash started, and run will take place soon. My To List is made and I'm totally psyched to dig in.

There's just one little, itty, bitty addition to my summer life... introducing baby Bella! (Yes, she was up 4 times last night, but getting up is part of being a new momma!) It was time to bring a new puppy into our lives after losing Nigel 2 years ago. The kids have been begging me and now that I'm home for the summer, it's the perfect time.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

8 Things About Me

Charles Cadenhead, of Mostly News, etc... has tagged me for a meme this morning called 8 Things About Me. The rules of this meme are simple. Blog 8 things about yourself then tag 8 others to do the same. Although everyone knows that I'm a Patriots Superfan and Special Education teacher, you may or may not know these things:

1. My father is one of 16 children while my mother is an only child.
2. I like my meat rare and most other things burnt.
3. I was involved in many productions in high school, starred as Dulcinea in Man of LaMancha and considered a degree/career in theater.
4. I've never been out with someone for just a date (see #6).
5. I climbed many a tree growing up as a tomboy but now I'm pretty much afraid of heights.
6. I married my high school sweetheart.
7. I wanted at least 5 children and never planned on being a working mother.
8. I love to be home.

I tag:



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

One week to go....

I'm beginning my final week of school before starting my long awaited summer vacation. It's hard to imagine squeezing everything that I have yet to do in before next Wednesday but I know I'll make it. This has been the week of the 8:30 meeting and lost prep periods. Major decisions are being made this week (and next) and I'm anxious to have them behind me. Summer life is calling me.

My yard's been neglected, my book list is a mile long, social media... what is that? I've got many a project "on the back burner" and look forward to diving in. Right now, my mind and energy have been dedicated to work and Autism education. I've also started running again and pledge to dedicate ample time to develop a good fitness routine that I'll be committed to through the summer and beyond.

Time to head out.. I've got an IEP to work on before the kids come in, a meeting at 8:30 and a full day ahead. Just needed to mind dump before starting this day.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I'm in the home stretch with work, with the school year winding down to dismissal on the 20th. Unfortunately, there's tons of things I still need to do before heading off for the summer. There are some major placement issues and meetings that have been on my mind a lot and decisions to be made. (Dealing with people, most specifically other people's children, and knowing that your decisions impact their lives is a big responsibility and is not one that I take lightly!) Just as in everything thing I do, I can't do a half-assed job so it's weighing on me.

We've also instituted and online IEP process using a service called TIENET and I have a few to do before the end of the year. Just finding time to sit down and figure it out and input everything has been a challenge. This is the time of the year for many field trips and twice this week I'll lose my prep period because the kids won't have Art. Add to that, the myriad of other issues and things that I do on my prep and I'm getting behind the 8 ball. I've been taking them home every night but haven't been able to sit down to work on them during "my time".

Part of the reason for that is because I've been having back pain with my sciatica acting up so I've been mostly offline this week. I've also been busy with my class and catching up on lots of reading relating to Autism. I've also been out of touch with the social media world pretty much over the past couple of weeks. I've got a ton of things to think about and do, and need to sit down with a pen and paper (yes, lists still work best for me the old fashioned way) and prioritize. I've got many things that need my attention but definitely need the back to cooperate to allow me to sit here for any length of time.

Off to work now, and deciding whether or not to call the doctor. (I've been able to sit long enough to make this post so perhaps it's waning.) It's a very busy week both in school and out, and Kelsea graduates on Monday so there's a party to plan and prepare for as well, not to mention the usual house and yard work, and exercise.

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