Sunday, December 31, 2006

Farewell 2006...

Greetings on this the final eve of 2006! I'm sitting here in Nashville in the hotel lobby with Erdoboy who is also blogging away on his laptop while Bama and Big Al are smoking their final cigars of the trek (yeah, right!)...

It was a great trip; relaxing and delivering a Pats victory which is the best part of course! At the game, it poured buckets right up until half time and I was thankful for ponchos and for the very warm temperatures. So, sitting there in 65 degree weather getting wet is much different than a cold 35 degree soaking. It actually felt like a September game at home. Like our first trip here in 2002, the fans were very hospitable and friendly. The most obnoxious people that I encountered at the game happened to be Pats fans... (who started their New Years Eve partying early...) Pats closed out the game 40-23 and dashed the Titans hopes of sneaking into the playoffs this year... We just got the word that we'll be playing the Jets on Sunday at 1:00!! Yippee!!! My favorite game time!!

Rather than head out, the 4 mini-trekkers ate at the hotel restaurant then retired to our respective posts... (Ed and I on the couches and Al and Bama outside to smoke...) where we'll contendly remain for the rest of the night, until it's time to head up to prepare for our 6:40 flight.

I still can't believe that this year has flown by so quickly... It's been a year of change as well as a year of some constants. For each I am thankful for they are intertwined into the intricate being of me.... Each event and circumstance has contributed to where I am right now.. I am a very lucky person and I'm very blessed with the life that I have. In fact there are so many things that I believe we all take for granted. We each can find some blessings if we truly look, listen and reflect. Here's good place to begin:

You are so blessed

And while I have done so many things in 2006, there is so much more I want to do, read, learn, love, and live! Happy 2007 Everyone!

crossposted in 25th hour and patriot world

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Greetings from Nashville

I'm happy to report that yesterday was a productive day. Of course, I didn't finish the huge assessment that I was working on because it should have taken quite a few days.. (those days lost to my teeth...) But, I did make the best of the time that I spent yesterday and pretty much stuck to my 15 Minute Block schedule..

Last night, went to a party at Louie and MJ's house and man... ate WAY too much! What a cook she is!! Unfortunately my mere 3.5 hours of planned sleep was cut short since I was sooo uncomfortably full that I couldn't sleep.

We got up at 3:45AM to get ready to head to the airport for our 6:15AM flight. Things went off without a hitch... nice smooth flights even though the planes were those mini 1 seat on one side and 2 on the other deals... I was totatlly pysched too because I finished two and a half good books on the flights :-) I hadn't heard of them before but the trilogy: The Christmas Box, Timepiece, and The Letter by Richard Paul Evans caught my eye in the library the other day and I'm thoroughly enjoying them. :-)

Right now I'm sitting in the hotel lobby in Nashville with Al, Bama and Judy checking mail, blogging away and catching up and awaiting the arrival of Erdo Ed. The team should arrive around 5:00 but in the mean time I'll hang here just doing my thing! Just give my my internet, a good book and buds to chat with and I'm good.

Two Oops.... forgot to clear the iriver and it's full so no ss tour unless I dump the last home tailgate to make room and forgot the ipod charger...sigh...must conserve some battery for return flights!)

More later on the trip...

(crossposted in patriot world and 25th Hour)

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Friday, December 29, 2006

15 Minutes to:

ok... here's the game plan: 15 minute blocks to get everything done today that needs to get done. Although I still have some discomfort in my teeth, it appears that the gum recession was the problem since the pain has dissapated since he put in some bonding material to close the gap. That side of my mouth is still tender but at least I didn't totally lose yesterday like I lost Tuesday and Wednesday.

So, here's the deal... I'm breaking up things into little blocks today and sticking to my schedule.
  • Read mail/blogs
  • Shower and dress
  • Straighten up house
  • Computer Break/Breakfast (NOW!)
  • Assessment
  • More cleaning
  • Break!
  • Assessment
  • Packing
  • etc...

Continuing on alternating Assessment stuff, household stuff, packing, and breaks until it's time to get ready for the party tonight at Louie and MJ's house. Tomorrow morning (what WAS I thinking?!) our flight leaves at 6:15... so I definitely need to have everything done before leaving for the party...

Ok.. eggs are almost done so it's time to get busy with this list! Wish me luck :-)

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Thursday, December 28, 2006


Another day and night of pain.. and plans left undone... sigh.... Last night I was still in agony and I'm hoping that's its just left over from the dentist messing around over there... I'm drinking coffee at the moment and it's not killing me so hopefully I'm all set for today.

This week has definitely not gone to plan because of the frequent trips to the couch to curl up in a fetal position and try to overcome the pain... So, my list is growing and time is running out until I head to TN...

As it is now, I'm on duty and will be driving the boys to wrestling in 5 minutes then I'll head over to school to feed my fish and will likely run a few errands (shopping, library, etc.) before picking them back up.

I'm hoping to get a podcast done today and definitely have to get moving on the Assessment. Of course, doing the show requires time to do a bit of research, gathering info, choosing music and having a quiet house to record. Then, posting and post stuff takes about an hour... so, hopefully it all works out but honestly, if my teeth act up... forget it.

Oops... just noticed the clock.. I'm off!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Best Laid Plans....

are made to be broken... sigh... So, yesterday I had a huge list of things that I planned on doing and got up early to start tackling them. However, I started with an incredible toothache in the morning and that was the end of that! For me to resort to Extra Strength Excedrin you know it had to be bad. I literally couldn't stay at the computer as I needed to lay down and put acu-pressure on the gums to try to relieve the pain. I sent Kelsea out for some Oragel which helped a little but the entire day was pretty much a wash.

I just got back from the dentist and he looked around and couldn't see anything brewing there so the pain must be coming from some exposed roots where my gums receded a bit... He put some bonding material there and hopefully it will do the trick because first of all, the pain sucks and also I can't afford to give up any more days this week. I still have that huge project to get done and it's already Wednesday. I'm on Mommycab duty tomorrow for wrestling practice so I'll be in and out then. Friday night, we have a party and Saturday we take off for Nashville for the Pats/Titans game.

Well... time to throw in a load of laundry, straighten up a bit, check the rest of my email then get busy on that Assessment....

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tuesday Game Plan

mmmmmmmmmmmm.... that's the sound of contentment :-) Holiday hustle and bustle is behind me and I'm well into my list of things to do for today. I'm off until next Tuesday and I have a productive week planned with some scheduled down time in there as well :-)

Yesterday was heaven... Besides making lunch, I did nothing all day other than drink coffee, read blogs and email, hang in Second Life, listen to podcasts, chat via Skype, do crossword and soduko puzzles and watch football. Now THAT'S the way to relax! Christmas is the one day of the year that is "my day" to just totally veg out. Now, I'm ready to tackle my list for the week...

Today, the goal is to work on a huge Assessment project for school. It's something that I'm required to do and I just haven't had the time during the school day to work on it. Once I finish updating my website and answering email, I'm clearing off the table and spreading out all of my stuff and I'm going to town. I don't have to leave the house at all today, and don't plan to... Another mom is driving the boys to wrestling practice today so I'm free to work exclusively on my project without interuption.

Of course, I'm going to schedule in some breaks in the action, both to "play" and to do other things like switching and folding laundry. Realistically, the project may take more than one day but it's so important to get it done early in the week as I don't want it hanging over me, I have other things on my list this week, and we're going away for the weekend so it's got to get done now...

ok... time to refill my cup, switch over the load and getting started on my web updates...

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Ahhh.... Christmas morning.. one of my most favorite days of the year! With all of the shopping and visiting behind me, I savor Christmas morning to just drink coffee and relax. In the past it meant snuggling up with a book and I still do enjoy that but these days most of my reading is done online. I've read all my mail and have been reading blogs while chatting to friends on Skype, listening to Christmas podcasts, and surfing around...

Armed with a full pot of Starbucks Sumatra Extra Bold freshly ground and brewed coffee, I'm here savoring the quiet in the house... Al ran out to his parents for a coffee and cigar, Kelsea took off to Johnnie's and Jake is downstairs playing his Playstation 2 college football franchise. I've got the tree on and candles lit, and if it wasn't so sunny out today it would be very Christmasy...

As most know, I politely decline all invitations on Christmas Day (we've seen everyone by Christmas Eve already) and I make a ham for my family and my dad and I lounge all day. Christmas is one of the few days that I actually do that... and once I update my site (Pats win AFC East Championship yesterday!), cook and clean up, then I'll probably grab a book and hit the couch for awhile while multi-tasking and watching some football...

Soon the house will be filled with the smells of good food, the sounds of family, and good feelings of love and contentment... I'm a very lucky girl who has a wonderful family, good health, a great job, terrific friends, and an all around GREAT life! May you all be blessed with the same...

Merry Christmas Everyone :-)

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

No More Shopping!

I made it... it's Christmas Eve early morn and I managed to get all the shopping done at last.. The sun has just come up and the house is quiet as everyone is asleep. I'm the first one up as usual and my body is still on work mode so I was ready to get up at 6:00 but stayed in bed awhile before finally getting up. The past couple of days have been hectic.. filled with shopping and prep. I'm glad that I can say that it's behind me.

Friday night, we had Al's department Christmas Party and headed to my brother's house to celebrate Christmas with my family yesterday. Had a nice long chat with mom on the phone during the day and shared a lot of laughs. I miss her and send my Christmas vibe of love cross country to her on this day... Today brings Patriots football in the afternoon then heading to Erik's for Christmas for Al's side. Tomorrow is a quiet day... my favorite day of the year... pajamas and coffee all day for me :-) I'll make a ham for my little family and my Dad but I've politely declined all invitations for that day as I look forward to a day of lounging, reading and relaxing.

Next week, although I don't have to work, I've got a lot on my list... tons of things that I've been meaning to do but just haven't had the time. At least it'll be like a mini-summer schedule for me minus the training camp. I'm sure the week will fly by but I'm determined to start right in on my list first thing in the morning but will schedule in some down time... I'm getting to the point where I need it. Time to give the body and mind a bit of a rest.

The fire is blaring and the coffee has brewed so I'm off to start my list beginning with reading email and Google Reader posts... I'll update the website, then, I've got some pictures to scan and some Flickr posting to do.. Of course, I'll be throwing in some laundry and doing some cleaning around here as well.. but that goes without saying.

I'm going to end now because I do savor those early mornings when the house is quiet, everyone is in bed, and I've got a steaming mug of java calling my name.

Merry Christmas!

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Harried Holidays

Home and insanely busy... have yet to Christmas shop, have a game tomorrow, still have to cook for the tailgate, got online banking to do tonight, have tons of posts and mail to read, and haven't podcasted in two weeks... sigh........................ I finally just finished the Miami Trek report and picture posting THIS afternoon...

As I'm typing this, there's chaos in the house as Kelsea's setting the timer on the camera to take our Christmas card, and Jacob's screaming.. of course pictures should have been done and in the mail last week and we planned on taking a shot on the beach in Miami but the weather didn't cooperate. As soon as this is posted I'm going to get moving on all my stuff:

1. Finish putting away the groceries.
2. Do my online banking.
3. Choose a picture and head to CVS to make cards.
4. Start cooking for tomorrow.
5. Try to get a mini show out if Al ends up staying at Louie's house for awhile.
6. Clear iriver and camera and get stuff sorted out for tomorrow's game.
7. Sigh....

I just had to make the list as my way of not dwelling and making a plan. It's like when you wake up in the night with something on your mind and you need to write it down so you can forget about it and get some sleep. I'm not a bah-humbug type per se' but it wouldn't kill me if "The Holidays" never took place... too much spending, too much eating, too much running around, way too much stress, right smack in the middle of football season!

Ok.. things are moving along on the photography front so hopefully, my photographer daughter will have a nicely produced self-timer Christmas Card photo for me momentarily. God.. my head is starting to bang... I think I could use a nice cup of flavored coffee right around now!

More yelling... and still no pic... SIGH......................

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ticket Turmoil

Miami greetings... I'm sitting here in the lobby of our hotel in Ft. Lauderdale the night before the Pats/Fins game and it's cold in here but quiet. Most of the folks have retired early, but a few smokers are outside having a last minute stogie so I'm here alone. The AC is cranking... brrr.. I'm not too keen on that but thankfully I have on my down vest that I brought from home. Weather reports there are in the teens so I guess I shouldn't really complain.

It's been an emotional trip this time around... We've done this trip for the past 3 years in a row with the kids, Bama and Steve and have usually gotten great seats through someone we know. We thought it was going to happen again this year but found out on Wednesday, the night before our flight that the connection fell through this year. So... I've literally been feeling sick to my stomach over the fact that there were no game tix, most especially because of Bama and Steve...

Well, after an ebay marathon, extra tickets through Lonie Sr. and extras from Joephoto, we're all set. Thank God! I feel a lot better now, and can relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend. They totally didn't blame me or anything but it really bothered me because I felt responsible. I'm so relieved that it worked out and that they didn't end up either in crappy seats or none at all... I so hate to disappoint people. It was especially hard for me because had it not been last minute they would have secured something a long time ago.

But.. no worries since we're all set! Now, it's time to get out of here and thaw out.. I think I'll head outside for a bit because it's warmer out there...

Go Pats!

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