Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Update

No...not the infamous Saturday Night Live version, just my game plan. I've got another busy one with tons to do and will try to make a conscious effort to "unplug" as much as possible this weekend to keep the balance in my life (and keep people smiling around here.)

I already started this morning with a chilly walk which was the best way to start my day. I've been walking back and forth to work most days this past week and wracked up close to 20 miles for the week. I'm not "feeling" the yearn to run yet but I'm sure that it will be coming. This morning it was cold out so I bundled up with a hoodie and long pants which was more conducive to walking but once I can get into my shorts I'll likely hit the pavement running. Laundry is already on the line (yes... since my cleanup last weekend, the yard is ready for me to begin hanging out for the season.)
Hanging Out!

This afternoon, we're heading over to PPAC for Man of LaMancha, one of our favorites since it's the play that we did in high school when Al and I actually got together many years ago. We've been going to PPAC for years but this is the first time it's come to Providence so we've been looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I'm missing my students' Special Olympics bowling tournament today but that's what happens sometimes. (We have two Track and Field event days coming up that I'll be able to make though.) Then, tonight we're going out to eat after the show with Al's sister and her boyfriend.

Tomorrow will be catch-up day and whatever else it brings. I've got some decisions to make and feel a bit overwhelmed right now. Lots of things are swimming around in my head which require some prioritizing. Need a brain dump and just may fire up the iriver on my next walk and muse away. More later...

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Blog Tag: 7 Songs that I Love

Just before bed I saw Chris Penn's Twitter post, telling me that I've been Tagged but I had to wait until this afternoon to read up and see what it was all about since I can't access much online at work. So, I need to pick 7 songs that I love (only 7.. that's not easy!) He was tagged by Chris Brogan who was tagged by 7 year old Aidan Hatch.

Since my listening time is usually limited to podcasts and podsafe music, it truly is what I enjoy these days. At work, I always have classical or instrumental music playing in the classroom and put it on when I need to really focus on a challenging task but I literally listen to all podsafe music otherwise. So, my list is made up of podsafe music and public domain compositions. All are Kid-Safe as well :-)

I Know You're There by Matthew Ebel
Canon in D by Pachelbel
Sun Again Will Shine by Slackstring
Without You by Black Lab
Lillian a Portrait in Sound by Jim Fidler
Mother by Kevin Reeves
You Stood by Me by Esther Grondahl

So, rules are that you site the people in your chain, in this case Aidan Hatch, Chris Brogan, Chris Penn and include this post when you tag the next person.

People I tag are: Steve L., Charles Cadenhead, TheDiva & ChelPixie, (I'll save some of you other Twitters for other people to tag :-) )


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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Splinters and Twitters

Up and at em early today as I've got Lily's Birthday party at noon and of course.. the anti-shopper has to stop at Old Navy this morning because she doesn't have a gift yet. (In all fairness, I did TRY yesterday but couldn't find anything that I liked.) Yesterday, I ended up working in the yard all afternoon and have completely cleaned out all of the winter brush and dead stuff from last season.
Unfortunately, my hands are full of mini splinters and since waking up this morning, my body is doing its best to expel the little buggers. Thus, my hands are covered with red puffy bumps and it's hard to type. (Reminder to self: Next Time Wear Gloves!)

I didn't spend much time online yesterday as a result of my yardwork, and also because I was running errands to get Jake ready for his Freshman Frolic (yes.. he's a last minute type just like his mother.) I most definitely spent the most time "unplugged" than I have in a long time.
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We all know I'm totally into Twitter and use it for fun but also to keep up with what's going on. Too bad I missed this little impromptu Twitter-fest in Second Life but opted instead to spend some time in Real Life watching movies with my husband on a Saturday night. I'm sure there will be more and I'll be in the right place at the right time :-) I also missed out on a Matthew Ebel double header but I HAVE caught all of his SL shows in the past couple of week so I'm still ahead of the game.

Just downloaded and installed a handy dandy Twitter sidebar from Mike Demers called Tweetbar which will keep me up on the happenings without needing to toggle bag and forth between Firefox tabs. It's especially good since it appears that the IM capabilities with gTalk have been in a state of "down at the moment" permanently.

Well, time to hit the road and fight the Sunday shoppers before taking off to spend some time with the little ones for the afternoon. It'll be nothing but Homework (and catching up with tweets and stuff) for me when I get home.


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Saturday, March 24, 2007

On tap for today:

Spring has finally sprung here! Got a busy weekend with family commitment stuff, errands to do and lots of homework as well. Hoping to get an early start today and will likely be "unplugged" for most of it. Of course, the homework requires computer time but other than that, I've got lots to do around the house and yard. I'd love to clear out the winter brush to gain easy access to my clothesline... (yes, I love to hang out!)

Thanks to those who Bum Rushed the Charts. Yes, there's some question over the actual totals on iTunes.. but will be keeping an eye on that.


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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bum Rush the Charts!

I've Bum Rushed ... Have You? Today is the Day!!!

Bum Rush the Charts! Follow the link TODAY to purchase Black Lab's Mine Again through the affiliate link to help fund college scholarships and drive "one of our own" to the top of the iTunes charts!



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

BRTC Reminder, Playing, Procrastinating & RAM

Man.. how easy is it to get wrapped up playing around? Twitter starts it all off for me... it's just too tempting NOT to click on the links that fellow podcasters and Twitterers post. Take for instance, this little gem, Show Yourself, from Ed. I spent some time "playing with Ed's widget" and conversing with Charles about the how-to of adding it to a Blogger blog. Meanwhile, the homework sits and is beckoning me... I'm home from work, feeling quite under the weather, so actually, I'm still ahead of the game because I normally wouldn't have been able to do it anyway, right? (Yah, Karen, keep trying to convince yourself of that... !)

Just a reminder: Tomorrow is the day to Bum Rush the Charts! Follow the link tomorrow to purchase Black Lab's Mine Again through the affiliate link to help fund college scholarships and drive "one of our own" to the top of the iTunes charts!

On another note: here's a little Twitter brain dump of mine from yesterday...

Realizing that trying to live in this New Media world with my crap computer is like trying to be a master chef with dull knives... 09:37 AM March 20, 2007 from web

I'm happy to report that replacing my 256k of RAM with the maximum allowable 1GB has already made some great impact in "sharpening my knives". I actually took in a Matthew Ebel concert last night in Second Life and could actually not only listen but talk and move without crashing multiple times!! Yippee!! I'm still facing other issues which hinder my ability to wade smoothly through the land of New Media but at least I'm making a dent.

And now... just the act of blogging this has served to fuel my procrastination fire yet again..hehe!

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Multi-tasking Mayhem

I'm a multi-tasker.. always have been and always will be. It's just the way I live my life. I think it's because I definitely have more on my plate than physical hours in the day but also I feel that it's just the way I'm wired. I can't even watch TV or a movie without also doing something else (knitting, writing, reading, homework, surfing, etc.) I also simultaneously listen and watch as well. It's not uncommon for me to be listening to my ipod and watching TV at the same time. I definitely plug-in and even listen to podcasts while reading.

So, I know that this is just who I am and how I operate. This week though, I need to just compartmentalize a bit. I'm bouncing from project to project and have been getting sidetracked. I think it's because there are so many things that I want to get done online that it's hard to stick with just one until completion because a.) I don't have the hours to commit, b.) I get bored doing one thing for a long period of time, c.) I don't really have the answers for all the directions that I'm headed and need to make some huge decisions, and d.) I don't really know HOW to do many of the things that I want to do.

Just a few of the many "projects" that I'm working on and/or have on my list of things that I would like to do:
  • revamp website (decide if I'm going to do it myself or go with a company)
  • research and make decision about above
  • research and switch web host
  • switch blogs to Word Press hosted on sites
  • make new logos for site(s)
  • run feeds through Feedburner
  • automate my rss file creation (after switching web hosts since I can't do .htaccess on my current one.)
  • decide definitively which website addy I'm going to plug into those little boxes when answering comments on other's blogs. (Read= decide where I'm going in terms of my "brand")
  • make new (long overdue) promo
  • create liners, sweepers for podcast
  • background theme music
  • New intro
  • Finally get second podcast off the ground
  • make new business cards
  • learn how to edit some video that I took and need to upload (long overdue!)
  • continue move of all old photo galleries from my site to my Flickr account

So, the head is swimming with ideas and bouncing from place to place. I've already started streamlining the website on my own and have decluttered some pages and will do a few a day for now. If I decide to go with a company to revamp the whole thing then that's ok too...

Those things are in addition to my usual updating of the site, research and podcasting my show, keeping up with my email and daily blog reading, twittering away, doing homework for my HTML class and just spending some random time online surfing, chatting, and playing a bit in Second Life (hey... all work and no play is not a way to live!)

So... I'm off of work today and already have a clean house so I'm jumping into the email box first and we'll see where I go from there.

Oh yah... all that SNOW that I've been dying for all winter, will be coming today, just when I've switched to Spring mode! (Sure enough, the minute I put away all winter decorations at home and school, it comes!) As I told a friend last night on Skype chat, Murphy's Law says: Always bring an umbrella on a field trip and you'll be assured great weather!

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Not a Fan...

...of the early switch to Daylight Savings Time! It's finally warmed up past freezing around here and I was all set (clothes laid out the night before and psyched up) to get out first thing in the morning for a walk or run, but awoke at 6:00AM and it was Pitch Black! I know that many people run in the dark but being a woman and someone who's always "plugged in" I'm not really comfortable with it from a safety sake.

I'm sure some people are liking the fact that it stays light later but for me, I treasure those early morning hours before the rest of the world (and my family) begin their days. When I belonged to a gym (and before I went through a period that I dreaded going into work and actually could get up at 4:30 AM,) I was there every morning at 4:45 getting my workout in before most people even got up. I still prefer to jump out of bed and into some workout gear and hit the pavement before doing anything else, and that's what I do all summer but during the school year, I have to get up early to do it.

So.. bottom line is, either I have to deal with the dark before school or wait until the afternoon to head out for awhile.


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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Ahhh.... nothing like that distinctive smell of the first open window breezes of the season!

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Weekend Warrior

Getting a late start to my day but so happy that the weather has changed and the temperature is in the 40's as opposed to the single digits that we've experienced this week. I'm in dire need of getting outdoors and taking a walk or two during my breaks from "plugged in" work today. I've still got tons to do and I'm still behind, especially in my HTML class, but I'm set to get started on homework as soon as I finish this post. Starting off my day by stating my intentions and making my To Do list grounds me and gets me set to focus.

I've got laundry in (almost time to start hanging out!), dishwasher running, and a picked up house so first on my list is:
  • checkbook and online banking
  • homework (until iPod finishes charging)
  • WALK (or run depending on how I feel)
  • email/google reader/surf favorites
  • more homework...
Usually I start with the email then get swallowed up, but I need to jump in to my assignment first and realize that all that other stuff will still be there waiting and it's not really the end of the world if I don't keep right on top of it ASAP, or at all... (Here's an excellent post by a friend Ed Roberts experiencing new media overload and some of the very things that I've been feeling this past week as well.)

So, a banking I will go.... then cracking the books, wish me luck!

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Podcasting gods hate me this week...

In a funk and feeling it all caving in on me... the mountainous list of things To Do that just keeps growing.... sigh.. I did finally get a podcast up tonight although it took a couple of days due to technical issues beyond my control. Two separate software clients had issues that prevented me from podcasting. Then, when I finally got things up and running, the usual issue of podcasting in the heart of my home and having to find the precise (quiet) moment is always an issue.

Yesterday, I was so upset because I really wanted to podcast; it's Free Agency and the Patriots have been totally active and had some BIG signings so there actually was news! I came home from work, and put all other things aside to make the show my first priority. Naturally, doing a podcast like mine, there's some research involved so I spent some time reading articles online and deciding what was most important.

Knowing that family would likely be in and out, I decided to record in Audacity because it offers easy editing and can be recorded in pieces. So, I finally got to record, got the whole spoken part done and went to listen and the cursor was stuck so it wouldn't play all of those beautiful looking waves. It had happened last week too and I needed to re-record. I had downloaded the newer version after that problem thinking that it would be ok. So... wasted time, and by then the house was so noisy I couldn't do a thing. I felt horrible too, because nothing else had gotten done because I had pushed it aside for the podcast. I jumped in Second Life for 20 minutes to hang with some podcasters, unplugged and got things ready for work before bed.

Today, I decided to record as soon as I got home and once again pushed everything else aside. Mistake #1 ... downloading the new itunes update the minute I walked in the door because I had to wait. (Don't forget, I'm running against the clock for limited quiet house time...) Got that all set then tried to fire up my usual recording software of choice, Castblaster. I had downloaded the newest Beta and lo and behold, couldn't open the program... grrrr. So, I re downloaded the prior version which did work. I was ready!!

I recorded for about 10 minutes then heard the infamous garage.... meaning that the family was home so I stopped. A couple of hours later, I tried to record again and although I said "append" it overwrote my prior recording so I had to start over. I was interrupted by kids coming in and hit "pause" but grrrr.. .it kept recording so I knew I would have to edit. Castblaster is a "live" recording experience and doesn't offer much in terms of easy editing. When I finally finished I tried to delete the selection that was messy but it wouldn't work.

So, I was forced to run the whole thing through Audacity (thankfully that worked) to chop out the crap but encoding takes forever. I tried to encode via itunes on the advice of a friend but it didn't offer an easy way to write shownotes. So, encoding through Audacity via Lame is what I needed to do, but then STILL run it through iTunes to add my photo and change the genre to Podcast since Audacity doesn't offer either of those...

Sigh... see where I'm going here? Hours and hours and hours for a 19 minute show! Then add on writing the shownotes, writing the rss feed, uploading to Libsyn, posting notes to Blog and myspace and updating the website. (sheesh, just realized I forgot Technorati tags but screw it now!) Crazy isn't it?!

However... I love it and don't want to give it up. I do wish for an easier recording solution though.. something that would allow me the "real" feel of Castblaster and the one stop show notes writing and fast encoding that it offers but would allow for easy editing if necessary. Let's face it, there are always far to many ummms and such in everyday speech but with CB I just leave it in because it's not an easy fix to edit out.

Although... right now.. I'd settle for anything that would work consistently.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday Plan of Attack

Putting the pedal to the metal this morning as I got up late (must have actually needed that sleep!) and it's already Sunday. Since we went to PPAC and also watched a movie last night, I didn't get a chance to work on any homework, podcast, or my website. So, today, I'll be trying diligently to stick to my list.

I don't need to start by saying that I'm going to actually make a To Do list because that goes without saying! That's just the kind o person that I am and it's how I wade through all of my busy days and live my life. There's something inherently pleasing to me to be able to actually cross something off (although I'm a check-marker not crosser-offer...)

The key for today though is to limit my time doing certain things so as to not get distracted and run out of time. Naturally, I'll underestimate how much time every task will take but at least I'm making a point to be cognizant of the fact that I've got a shortened day with an incredibly long list of things To Do.

Priorities for today:

* Finish and submit Assignment 1 in my HTML class (yes, it's about time that I finally learn how to actually code!)
* Write a letter of recommendation for summer camp grant for one of my students.
* Do some show prep (get the facts) for a podcast since there's been so much happening this free agency week.
* Actually record if I can find some quiet time in the house.
* Update my website with recent Patriots transactions.

Of course... the usual, laundry, cleaning, reading of email, scanning of blogs, etc. goes without saying.

I need to avoid the tremendous suck of my Google Reader then jumping over to the actual sites and clicking on every link that interests me. I literally could spend hours and hours bouncing from place to place reading to my heart's content. It's amazing how I can start out on one blog and end up miles away from where I started, and wonder where the hours went. I think I may have to even resort to setting a timer today and use my GR experience as my "break time" treat.

I'll give myself liberty with Twitter while working though since short messages won't be much to deter me but will keep me connected to my world.

So, with a full cup of coffee by my side, a load of laundry in the washer, podcasts in my ears, I'm jumping into my inbox first then will chip away at my list. Wish me luck!


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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Folding at Home

Of course, I usually have quite a few podcasts backed up in the queue so I'm a bit behind on the times but when I heard this episode I knew I wanted to get involved. I've joined in with the Dawn and Drew Minion Folding at Home team to donate my unused computer time to help find a cure for cancer. All of the details can be found here. I set it up on the 3 computers here in my house since I never shut them off anyway. Care to join in?


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Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Catch-Up and Branding Decisions

It's FRIDAY!!! woooohoooo! Can you tell I'm happy? :-) Most M-F workers usually are and I'm no different. It actually was a very good day at work today... come to think of it, it was a very good week!
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I've got a busy weekend ahead with heading out to eat tonight then tomorrow we have tickets for PPAC to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I've got tons of homework to finish and lots of web type stuff to do.

This leads me to the place I'm at right now. I've been thinking alot about which direction to go head in, in terms of the website as far as a redesign and hosting options. I've been contacted by someone who would like to overhaul it, and need to find a new hosting service as I haven't been happy with mine since the summer. There is so much to think about... I KNOW it needs an overhaul and have it on my infamous TO DO list as I've outgrown my initial footprint in the online world, but it's scary to think of someone else doing it... (Don't we mothers usually have trouble letting go of our babies?)

Then, there is the cost factor. If I decide to host with the folks that do the web design it will cost me more than triple what I'm paying now BUT things will be done right. I'm also SOOO at a crossroads in terms of my "personal brand" since I've always been known in Patriot Nation as Mrs. B and most of my online presence has been as a Pats fan. Thus, was born for all things NOT Patriots football. (Too bad was already taken although it's just "parked" as of right now.) So, there's so much to think about with all of my things going on. for all things Tedy Bruschi and New England Patriots. The podcast show notes site, for links and blog, and this blog for my personal ramblings. I think that CC Chapman has the right idea with a blog in his name as the hub with all of his other things linked from there.. Oh yah... of course, I still plan on starting another non-football podcast which will add yet another dimension... yikes! So, I'm quite overwhelmed with the decisions right now and need to take some time to really think about the big picture.

Added a new blog to my list at right.. Christopher Penn of the Financial Aid Podcast started a personal blog this week as well.

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